Saturday, 20/04/2024 - 09:18|


Moreover, whether we overcome the covid-19 pandemic, each individual has to take care of their health carefully, make good 5K rules (in Vietnam): face mask, disinfection, no gatherings, health care, keeping distance. Take good solidarity, follow the instruction of the Government will help us to be safe and soon win the covid 19 epidemic. I think that this OPENING CEREMONY OF NEW SCHOOL YEAR will go down in the annals of Vietnam's educational and training history.

As the covid-19 pandemic spreads across the country, many people are fighting against covid 19 and carrying out effective anti-epidemic work. All of Pleiku citizens are also adhering to the 16 instruction of Government, which means that students in Pleiku City are unable to attend school these days. This affects many schools around the city. Pham Van Dong High school is also. Everything seems very quiet.

   ( Pleiku City for the first day following the 16 instruction of Government - Source: Gialai News)
    ( Pham Van Dong High School for the days before opening ceremony of new school year)

 Although most people endure the drawback of what covid-19 influenced them, the students have luck when they still can start the new school year by distance learning. I am in grade 12, the school year 2021-2022 is a special year for all students who were born in 2004 because the last opening ceremony of the new school year will be held online in the app Zoom. Everything is already from early. Students and teachers in Pham Van Dong High School are very excited to wait for the ceremony.

  ( Some photos from the opening ceremony of new school year 2021-2022)

I get a bit disappointed with this situation when we are not allowed to go school for face-to-face classes. Instead of in-person classes, we have online classes through technology devices; I am not fond of it but it is a really the best solution this time. In my opinion, the students have a variety of emotions such as happiness, excitement, anxiety, nervousness, and so am I. I know this is a hard time for everyone because of covid-19. For me, it is the second crucial challenge with students. It is a struggle in which we must demonstrate our roles, our responsibilities for our own education. Beside the teachers have worked hard, made their efforts to to provide us with the best education possible. We are successful or not depends on our self-consciousness.

Moreover, whether we overcome the covid-19 pandemic, each individual has to take care of their health carefully, make good 5K rules (in Vietnam): face mask, disinfection, no gatherings, health care, keeping distance. Take good solidarity, follow the instruction of the Government will help us to be safe and soon win the covid 19 epidemic. I think that this OPENING CEREMONY OF NEW SCHOOL YEAR will go down in the annals of Vietnam's educational and training history.

                                                                                                Written by: Vi Thi Kieu Oanh -12A





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Tác giả: Vi Thị Kiều Oanh - học sinh lớp 12A
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